We are always delighted to welcome people of all ages into the church through baptism, (often called a Christening) and would love to talk to you if you are thinking about this for yourself or for your child. Our baptism services take place within the 10.30 Sunday Morning services.
Baptism is a beautiful gift from God, a sign of new birth, of complete forgiveness and acceptance, of the hope of external and of belonging to a loving community. We hope you will experience all these things through baptism.
For you it's a chance to give thanks for your child, to start your child on the journey of faith, to renew your love for God.
For your child it's a beginning of life in God, a belonging to a worldwide Church Community and a light of hope through life and death.
For your Church it's an opportunity to love, welcome, support and pray for you and your child.
Baptism is a physical outward sign, which reveals a spiritual reality of God's love and forgiveness, it is called a sacrament. In it we remember how God commits Himself to us and we promise to live our lives for Him.

We held our first deanery confirmation un June 2019 at St Mary's church Richmond. It was a joy to have Bishop Helen-Ann confirm over 30 candidates of all ages, with eight people from our parish being confirmed.
We plan to run a further confirmation group in 2020, pleaase contact Rev Yvonne to make enquries if you feel God is calling you to confirm your baptism promises for yourself.