Our Parish Leadership Team

Vicar of Easby, Skeeby, Brompton On Swale and Bolton-on-Swale


Rev Simon Dowson

Vicar of Easby with Skeeby, Brompton On Swale and Bolton-on-Swale

Tel 07786 282214

Email simon.dowson@leeds.anglican.org



Parish Administrator - Mrs Katy Hollins

Telephone the parish office : 01748 - 810613 

Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 2.30pm

email: admin@esbb.co.uk / esbb-admin@esbb.co.uk


Treasurer - Paul Carnell

Telephone : 01677 422503

email : treasurer@esbb.co.uk


Church Wardens

Liz Weatherby - churchwarden-lw@esbb.co.uk

John Weatherby - churchwarden-jw@esbb.co.uk


PCC Secretary

Mel Guy - pccsecretary@esbb.co.uk


Safeguarding Officer 

Mrs Laura Booth - safeguarding@esbb.co.uk

Telephone: 01748 - 810613